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'TC' Range


The TC range of kilns consists of two basic models the TC100 and TC200.

The TC100 is ideal for firing small samples, it is compact in appearance and extremely well insulated with elements situated in the sidewalls.

The larger TC200 model is supplied in two versions, the standard model being rated at 2.75kw enabling it to operate off a standard 13 amp socket outlet, and the TC200A version rated at 4kws requiring a 20 amp supply point.

The TC100 and TC200 are capable of fast firing cycles up to 1300degC. Both models are suitable for bench mounting although a kiln stand can be provided if required.

A full range of temperature control equipment is available for all models and is not included in the quoted price.

Specification Cubic Firing Chamber Overall size Weight Rating Power supply Price 
model Capacity size          
  w d h w d h lbs 100 kw 2.75 220/40v 13A
TC100 cu ft .25 in 6 1/2"x 9x7 1/4" in 15 x 18 1/2"x21 kgs 46     poa
ltrs 7.5 cm 17x23 x 18 cm 38 x 47 x 53        
TC200 cu ft 1 in 12 x 12 x 11 in 21 1/2"x27 x29 lbs 190 kw 2.75 220/40v 13A poa
TC200A ltrs 30 cm 30 x 30 x28 cm 55 x 69 x74 kgs 86 kw 4.00 220/40v 20A poa
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