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Common Features
Top Loading Kilns

Top Loading Kiln

Our Firebird 'T' range of top-loading kilns is a 6 model standard range covering the size range 74 to 297L (2.6 to 10.5 cubic feet), with options available between models. Elements are inserted into each of the four side-walls. Lid gas springs are fitted to all models as standard.

Front Loading Kilns

Two ranges are available - the Firebird 'E' range & the Firebird 'K' range

Front Loading Kiln

The Firebird 'E' range of front-loading kilns is a 5 model standard range covering the size range 74 to 227L (2.6 to 8 cubic feet), with options available between models. Elements are inserted into the two side walls and base.

Front Loading Kiln

The Firebird 'K' range of front-loading kilns is a 8 model standard range covering the size range 106 to 708L (3.75 to 25 cubic feet, with options available between models). Elements are inserted into the side walls, back wall, base & door. A roof damper fitted to models of size 283L (10 cubic feet) and above.

Front Loading Kiln

The TC range of kilns consists of two basic models the TC100 and TC200.The TC100 is ideal for firing small samples, it is compact in appearance and extremely well insulated with elements situated in the sidewalls.

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